
People not getting enough sleep risk poor diets and obesity, BNF survey finds

Adults and children who don’t get enough sleep risk making less healthy food choices and an increased risk of obesity, British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) research has revealed. It found that 43% of adults reported sleeping less than the recommended minimum of 7 hours on the previous night, and that 32% of primary and 70% of secondary school children reported sleeping less than 9 hours on the...Read more

Plastic straws and drinks stirrers to be banned from April

Plastic straws and drink stirrers, and cotton buds with plastic stems will be banned from sale and use in England from next April, the government has confirmed. The move is hoped to vastly reduce the litter and other environmental impacts of the nearly 5bn plastic straws currently used each year in the UK, along with more than 300m plastic stirrers and close to 2bn cotton buds with plastic stems...Read more

Lunch on the go generates 11 billion items of packaging waste

British workers’ ‘lunch on the go’ habit is generating 10.7 billion items of packaging waste annually, 276 items per person, according to research from environmental charity Hubbub. The research of over 1,200 UK full and part-time workers revealed they use an average of four packaging items for each lunch purchase, with 76% picking up a main item e.g. sandwich container, 70% a packet of snacks...Read more

Change of leadership for Hospital Caterers Association

The Hospital Caterers Association (HCA) has a new top team in place following the annual general meeting of members during the organisation’s recent training and development forum. Craig Smith is the new chair and Brian Robb has been named the new vice chair. Stewart McKenzie has stepped down after two years in post as chair, during which time Smith was vice chair. Robb will now hold the post for...Read more

Heart disease deaths on the rise for first time in 50 years

The number of people in the UK dying from heart and circulatory diseases before the age of 75 is rising for the first time in 50 years, the British Heart Foundation has said. There were 42,384 deaths of under-75s caused by the diseases in 2017, compared with 41,042 in 2014, figures showed. During the five years to 2017 there had been an increase of 4% in the number of people dying from heart and...Read more
